Photomonitoring at the XVI National Conference of the GIT and SI Sections of the Italian Geological Society

The National Conference of the Sections “GIT – Geosciences and Information Technologies” and “SI – Hydrogeology Section” will take place from 5 to 7 September at the Palazzo Caetani located in the Municipality of Fondi (LT).

NHAZCA will be present with a stand on 5 and 6 September to show its solutions.

NHAZCA will also take part in the conference with a presentation on landslide monitoring with Photomonitoring technology, entitled “IRIS a new powerful tool for Geohazards Assessment by PhotoMonitoring” (A. Cosentino, A. Brunetti, M. Gaeta, V. Costantini, P. Mazzanti) on 5 September, in the session “New methodologies for the characterisation, monitoring and analysis of landslide phenomena” that will take place from 2.30 to 4 pm.