UPGRADE: Innovation and Collaboration for the Resilience of Long Linear Infrastructures (LLI)

NHAZCA is proud to announce its participation in the UPGRADE project, an extraordinary initiative aimed at enhancing the resilience of long linear infrastructures (LLI) through advanced research and international collaboration. UPGRADE, led by the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrogeological Protection (IRPI) of the National Research Council (CNR), brings together 11 leading research organizations and 6 companies from Europe, Asia, and Oceania, specializing in Earth observation, engineering, and computer science.

Long linear infrastructures, such as road and railway embankments, pipeline channels, and flood protection structures, are particularly vulnerable to cascading and scaling failures. With the increasing frequency of adverse weather conditions due to climate change, maintaining high safety standards for these infrastructures, especially older ones, is a constant challenge requiring significant maintenance investments.

Current knowledge about the deterioration of LLIs and its impact on risk and performance is fragmented. The traditional engineering-oriented approach alone is no longer sufficient to address this complex issue. However, recent technological advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) offer new opportunities to upgrade and enhance the safety and performance of LLIs.

The UPGRADE project aims to bridge these gaps by integrating digitization and revolutionary new technologies to develop comprehensive and actionable solutions. The UPGRADE network is designed to facilitate the exchange of research and innovation personnel, promoting the sharing of know-how and skills through scheduled secondments, network-wide events, and local training.

NHAZCA, together with consortium partners, will work to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for LLI resilience. This interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral project will help create a safer and more sustainable future by providing precise and timely data for effective infrastructure management.

Join us in this scientific and technological adventure to build a safer and more sustainable future. Follow us on our social channels to stay updated on the UPGRADE project!

UPGRADE project