NHAZCA Involved in the “Safe Roads” Project: Implementation of a Dynamic Monitoring System for Remote Control of Bridges, Viaducts, and Tunnels (ANAS)

NHAZCA continues to demonstrate its commitment to structural monitoring through participation in major projects. A significant example is our involvement in the “Safe Roads – Implementation of a dynamic monitoring system for remote control of bridges, viaducts and tunnels (ANAS)” project.

The project, part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 3, aims to implement a remote monitoring system on SNIT highways. This initiative seeks to ensure the safety of 12,000 bridges and 1,600 tunnels, focusing on improving the planning of necessary interventions against deterioration and seismic risk.

In collaboration with ANAS S.p.A., NHAZCA has contributed to the design of an advanced static and dynamic monitoring system for the remote control of bridges, viaducts, and tunnels along a designated road segment. Following the completion of the topographic survey, NHAZCA developed an effective structural monitoring system. This system will support the creation of the BIM model planned in the project, providing crucial data for the continuous evaluation and management of infrastructure integrity.

The primary objective of this monitoring is to keep track of critical variables, providing valuable information about the degradation of the infrastructures and improving safety within the SNIT highway network.

NHAZCA’s innovative monitoring solutions aim to significantly contribute to the success of the “Safe Roads” project, ensuring safer and more reliable transport infrastructure for everyone.

Photo: Armando Perna