NHAZCA at the Earth Technology Expo

From 13 to 16 October 2021, NHAZCA attended the first edition of the Earth Technology Expo held at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, in collaboration with CERI – Center for Research, Prediction, Prevention and Control of Geological Risks of the Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome.

Sponsored by the Italian Civil Protection, the Italian House Project of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Italian National Firefighters Corps (CNVVF), the event was characterized by a full schedule that included seminars and speeches on digital technologies for the management and control of natural and man-made hazards.

During the event there were also two presentations given by the NHAZCA team. The first one, entitled “Earth Observation: from scientific and technological tools to operational solutions for management”, was organized within the session “Geo-spatial Earth Observation. Satellites, scientific instruments and technologies made in Italy in orbit for the control of the territory and the reduction of natural risks”.

The second speech, entitled, “MUSAR – Data Fusion & Intelligent Automatic Classification of Optical and Multisensor/Multiband Satellite Data”, was conducted within the session entitled “AI satellite technologies for the development of downstream and application services”.

In addition, NHAZCA has set up an interactive stand in order to give more information about our monitoring systems and our innovative solutions, including the IRIS software, where participants had the opportunity to test the products and discuss the potential of our services with some experts.