Newsletter September 2020

Open Lunch Talk: the new NHAZCA initiative

Starting this month, NHAZCA launches "Open Lunch Talk". The initiative aims to create moments of meeting and training on key topics in the field of innovation in geotechnical & structural monitoring and in the analysis of natural hazards for risk mitigation purposes.

These events, which will be organized on a monthly basis, will give the opportunity to meet experts and professionals in the analysis and monitoring of natural hazards and large infrastructures. In particular, each event will host the participation of a keynote speaker who will focus on the analysis of relevant case studies or technical topics.

For more information and to stay up to date follow us on LinkedIn.

Stay tuned on Linkedin!

Let's share the scientific knowledge!

We invite you to read three of our recently published scientific papers on the results obtained from TInSAR monitoring and on the importance of combining multispectral imagery and topographic data of microrelief to improve the mapping of erosional and depositional landforms generated by the avulsion process.

Have a look at our papers:

- "Urban Engineered Slope Collapsed in Rome on February 14th, 2018: Results from Remote Sensing Monitoring"

- "Remote Monitoring Of Natural Slopes: Insights From The First Terrestrial Insar Campaign In Vietnam"

- "Combining Satellite Multispectral Imagery and Topographic Data for the Detection and Mapping of Fluvial Avulsion Processes in Lowland Areas"


IcGSM survey

Last days to express your opinion about the planning of the next International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring (IcGSM) 2021. Fill out this form before September 15, 2020. Your opinion is important to us.



More info about the 7th edition will be available soon on the new ICGSM website.


Open Job Positions

Aiming to increase its international growth, NHAZCA is looking for qualified professionals to join its team. Ideal candidates are brilliant, motivated with a strong interest in innovation and research. For further information of the job positions please visit our contact page.

Work with us

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Via Vittorio Bachelet, 12, 00185 - Rome, Italy
Skype: nhazca
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